Safety Management Platform
for safety conscience organisations
The most ambitious organisations care about safety. Sportraxs Safety Management Platform is a set of tools to manage your events and organisations safety through technology.
Sportraxs Safety Management Platform makes is easy to manage your events safety. Using GPS trackers on your personal (marshall‘s, medics, organisers etc.) your safety officer will be able to efficiently manage the events safety.
Personal Positioning
Never question where your personal are. Whether you want to confirm they are in the correct position or check on the status of your sweepers. Efficiently organising your personal is easy using the platform.
Incident Management
Manage incidents efficiently through the platform. Quick identify and action action the nearest personal to respond quickly is easy.
Sportraxs Integration
Full integration into Sportraxs Live Tracking. Futher, participants can be provided with SOS enabled devices. This allows them to alert your Safety Officers immediately to an incident.
Sportraxs utilizes a range of hardware to ensure coverage from urban playgrounds to remote deserts. We also provide custom integrations with your hardware.
Cellphone coverage
24hrs - 3 Days
Signal dependent
Low cellphone coverage
4 - 5 Days
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